Follow the procedure below to download and install the Smart BM software, version 2.16.
- Download the setup file of Smart BM software version 2.16.
- Check if it has any previous version of the Smart BM installed on your computer by accessing the Windows Control Panel → Programs → Uninstall a Program, and uninstall if you find it.
- Open the executable file with the name of the software downloaded previously. When the screen below appears, click Next in the lower right corner. The next screen will show the message "Smart BM is being installed" and the bar indicating the progress of the installation.
ℹ️ To cancel the installation click the Cancel button.
- After finishing the process, click Close in the lower right corner of the next window to complete the installation. Will be created shortcut to the program on the desktop.
If you have any problems or difficulties with the procedure, please do not hesitate to contact us!
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Cellular: +55 (11) 97225 – 8683 - WhatsApp
E-mail: [email protected]
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